Saturday, July 4, 2015

simply Grand! Saint Louis, an Architectural Charrette - October 19-20, 1985 - regarding the redevelopment of Grand Center - Intersection of Art & Life

Cover of the entries booklet, put together by the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects

Casco Corporation entry page - I drew these five sketches in color markers, including the lettering, trees and people.  My team design included the fountain, entrance gate delineation, pavement design, and the sidewalk umbrellas, seating, and trees.
My other team members from Casco Corporation worked on these drawings and did the layout, including the border design and "Grand Center" type and logo design.
The names of my other team members are written on the side of this page.  They are:
"Tony Bandle, James Brieseacher, Chris O'Neal, Ted Thomas".   Ted Thomas died a few months ago - on Friday, November 21, 2014.

Greenpoint Center project, Spring 1988, in Brooklyn, New York - plans drawn by me, and hired by Brian McMahon, the contact person.

Friday, July 3, 2015

A house design I created in Autocad, in 1999

This house plan was created in Autocad, with a particular client and location in mind.  The elevations are sketched in on this drawing sheet.

Maya Video Products, Inc. faxes, regarding computer program in AutoLisp, created December, 1990

These original scans are of a program that I created on a computer with AutoLisp software, at Maya Video Products, Inc., in New York, in December, 1990.  The program was to control the room sizing and placement for new construction, and, placement of the Barco projector/projectors in different sized existing rooms.  I worked on the Barco video projector, different sized rooms and the program for four weeks, from the end of November to the end of December, 1990.    page shows more related information.

Why has Alias not corrected their connection to Maya Video Products, Inc. to the public?  My only understanding, now, is, that they would like to keep the "Mystical" and "Magical" impression before the public, regarding computer graphics software.  I have this much regarding "mystical":  - a company where Joaquin Margot Gil worked, in 1997.

Joaquin Margot Gil, where are you, now?   I was told he was hired by ILM, or Industrial Light & Magic, in 1990, at SIGGRAPH, in Dallas, TX.   His thesis is what he had to show them.  "Virtual Obsession", which is posted online, is very much like his still photo that graces the cover of the 2003 PLE Maya CD.

Maya Video Products, Inc. room chairs, created by me in 1999.

I wanted to add this printout of the chair program from Autodesk, created with Autocad software, in 1999, in my home office.  This shows that I was able to create the chair, in 1990, when I was working with Maya Video Products, but, I did not have the published program at my disposal.  I was working on a computer that I had been given by LePique & Orne-Architects, Inc., in St. Charles, that came loaded with their software.   for more information.