Saturday, July 4, 2015

simply Grand! Saint Louis, an Architectural Charrette - October 19-20, 1985 - regarding the redevelopment of Grand Center - Intersection of Art & Life

Cover of the entries booklet, put together by the St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects

Casco Corporation entry page - I drew these five sketches in color markers, including the lettering, trees and people.  My team design included the fountain, entrance gate delineation, pavement design, and the sidewalk umbrellas, seating, and trees.
My other team members from Casco Corporation worked on these drawings and did the layout, including the border design and "Grand Center" type and logo design.
The names of my other team members are written on the side of this page.  They are:
"Tony Bandle, James Brieseacher, Chris O'Neal, Ted Thomas".   Ted Thomas died a few months ago - on Friday, November 21, 2014.

Greenpoint Center project, Spring 1988, in Brooklyn, New York - plans drawn by me, and hired by Brian McMahon, the contact person.

Friday, July 3, 2015

A house design I created in Autocad, in 1999

This house plan was created in Autocad, with a particular client and location in mind.  The elevations are sketched in on this drawing sheet.

Maya Video Products, Inc. faxes, regarding computer program in AutoLisp, created December, 1990

These original scans are of a program that I created on a computer with AutoLisp software, at Maya Video Products, Inc., in New York, in December, 1990.  The program was to control the room sizing and placement for new construction, and, placement of the Barco projector/projectors in different sized existing rooms.  I worked on the Barco video projector, different sized rooms and the program for four weeks, from the end of November to the end of December, 1990.    page shows more related information.

Why has Alias not corrected their connection to Maya Video Products, Inc. to the public?  My only understanding, now, is, that they would like to keep the "Mystical" and "Magical" impression before the public, regarding computer graphics software.  I have this much regarding "mystical":  - a company where Joaquin Margot Gil worked, in 1997.

Joaquin Margot Gil, where are you, now?   I was told he was hired by ILM, or Industrial Light & Magic, in 1990, at SIGGRAPH, in Dallas, TX.   His thesis is what he had to show them.  "Virtual Obsession", which is posted online, is very much like his still photo that graces the cover of the 2003 PLE Maya CD.

Maya Video Products, Inc. room chairs, created by me in 1999.

I wanted to add this printout of the chair program from Autodesk, created with Autocad software, in 1999, in my home office.  This shows that I was able to create the chair, in 1990, when I was working with Maya Video Products, but, I did not have the published program at my disposal.  I was working on a computer that I had been given by LePique & Orne-Architects, Inc., in St. Charles, that came loaded with their software.   for more information.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

First ever Oscar Roadtrip on February 13, 2013 - JCPenney store in West County Mall, Des Peres, Mo.

See me:

This page states that the woman who brought the Oscar statue was named Laurie Brown.  We were told, and media, at that time, called her Angie Greenup.  What's a name?  I did not know where the statue was coming until the morning of this event, and, I found the information on  I do not have a twitter account anymore.  I was the only person who appeared at JCPenney that morning, until these three dressed women appeared there, as you see in the second photo.  When you go down, you go down.  I had seen these three women before, as members of Cinema St. Louis, at movies.  But, alas, none of them had ever seen me.  What can one believe today?  I am who I say that I am.  Leslie Fitzpatrick is in my e-mail from that day.  This is the picture she took of me, sent from her ipad, on February 17, 2013, at 12:35p.m., from 

to theresa.bextermiller

The message in the e-mail is, "Nice meeting you".   

You may be interested to know.  

This e-mail box that I received the message to was  The e-mail address was started in 2003, and, is based upon part of what is written in the Book of Revelation.  Relevant to this day, from Chapter 6, verse 3, the Book of Revelation states:  "And when he had opened the second seal, I heard a second beast say, Come and see."

More relevant to me, as written in Chapter 13, verses 16-18, from the Book of Revelation:  "And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast:  for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six. (666)"

Verse 2 of Chapter 13, Book of Revelation, states, "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat, and great authority."  King James Version.  The numbers "666" appear in the New International Version.  

I had this e-mail address for 12 years.  Today, I have switched to  Anonymous can send all comments to that address.  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Pratt Institute ended the School of Engineering, with the last degrees

See this:

This news was published online in what year?  I didn't have access to the internet until 2003.

How could this news have been a shock to anyone on campus?  In 1990, 1989 - when I was there - there was talk about the ARC Computer Labs, "modeling", and having to buy your own computers because there were no computers on campus for use by students.

There was never an accredited Graduate School of Engineering, and, in 1988, I was steered to the new Computer Graphics program.  I was the first single-nationality American to finish requirements for the new Computer Graphics graduate degree.  You can view, for yourself, around the web.  Some news is true.  Some news is tinted, a lot of news is held back, and not available for public knowledge.

Public Policy?  I'm Public policy.